I will also try and post a "day in hell" summary later after
me/Jill: I am an entrepreneur and stay at home mom to two kiddos Cutie and Junior and the wife of Bill. Currently writing this blogumentary as a creative outlet for my crazy life so many can enjoy the life that is truly stranger than fiction.
Bill: husband to me, father to Cutie and Junior, son of Millie and Phil, brother to Will. Currently looking for the next employment opportunity due to our country's wonderful economic status.
Cutie- daughter of Bill and Jill, sister to Junior. Sugar and spice and everything nice.
Junior- son of Bill and Jill, brother to Cutie. Snakes and snails and puppy dogs tails.
Millie-mom to Bill and Will, Phil's wife; a retiree that has way too much time on her hands, never enough money and will tell you all about it- you don't even have to ask either.
Phil- dad to Bill and Will, Millie's husband; also a retiree. Addicted to fast food, TV and football.
Will- Wilma's husband, dad to Polly and Wally, brother to Bill. Works for the state.
Wilma- Will's wife, mom to Polly and Wally. Works for a private company.
Wally- Will and Wilma's teenage son; who can do no right.
Polly- Will and Wilma's tweenage daughter; who can do no wrong.
So, there you have it. Our wonderful family tree that really isn't a twig- despite our "creative" names- like I said before, names and identifying details have been changed/removed to protect the innocent and not so innocent. Similarity to any real person other than myself is purely