In case you have ever had the opportunity unfortunate event of having to live with your parents family *after* you have moved out due to unforeseen events, then you might be able to identify with me- if not count your blessings that you haven’t had to experience live like this. If you care to have another snippet of a Day in Hell, then read on…
I feel that I am a good person. I am one who would give you the shirt off my back if you needed it more than I did; I am willing to donate time, money, whatever- if I have it and also have the back of any of my family or friends at any time. (Don’t go thinking I’m all full of myself and super nice, because to some I can be a complete and total bitch- only because they have done something to deserve such treatment from me not unsolicited in any way.) With that being said, there are certain people in my circle of life that are not of that same giving/charitable mindset. They are willing to take, take, take and not give, but yet they bitch, moan and complain how “rough” they have it and then “volunteer” to help others; and then bitch, moan and complain about the people they “helped”. My opinion about doing volunteer/charity work is; if you can’t do something with a “happy heart” then don’t bother doing it because it is no longer charitable.
Some people have nothing better to do than to complain and if they can’t find something to complain about they complain about not having something to complain about. Now, I really don’t fall in to this category- regardless of what you might think due to the title of this blog, and the posts of said blog- but honestly, this is a way to help me keep my sanity and not harm kill the stupid people that piss me off at the grocery store due to my pent up anger and frustration due to circumstances out of my control (yes, if you haven’t guessed it yet- I’m a control freak). Man, I have a lot to say tonight!
So, what is the point of this post this evening? I’ll tell ya, why because I can and you’ve read this far so you might as well be rewarded right? Like I wrote several paragraphs ago, we are living with a set of our parents. Not exactly where we expected to be at this point, but here we are making lemons out of lemonade. When life hands you lemons, you’re supposed to make lemonade, I just happen to like my lemonade spiked with vodka. ;)
The gripe of the day is- coffee. What?!? Are you serious??!!!??? Coffee? Really? Really. I have to have coffee in the morning to keep myself awake functioning with 4-5 hours of sleep that isn’t even close to being restful. So, every morning, I make a pot of coffee in my trusty 12 cup coffee maker because Millie drinks coffee too, and hey, like I said, I’m not selfish, if I have it you’re more than welcome to it and it isn’t that big of a deal to add a couple more scoops to the pot even in a sleep deprived stupor. I’ve noticed that my 10 cups have been having 2 cups of leftovers for about a week now, and wasn’t sure what the deal was; since it used to be gone by noon. Millie leaves going to her various sources for bitching charity work twice a week, and social hour at the senior center the other three days; so I wasn’t sure if she was getting her coffee fix elsewhere; hence the leftover coffee at the end of the day that wasn’t happening before. Hmmm…
Earlier this evening, I had to go and tell Millie something and she was hiding watching PBS in her room. I turn to leave, and see on one of the dressers the following: 8 cup coffee maker, toaster oven, and a loaf of bread, bagels, hot chocolate mix, can of coffee, creamer, and some other items that I can’t remember. (Damn, what a memory huh? Well, you remember that game where you had a minute to look at something and then recall it? I kicked ass at that game- still do.) Anyhow… why in the hell is there a coffee pot and other crap for coffee in there along with the toaster oven- its like a damn continental breakfast at a hotel in there- when we have a toaster, bread, coffee maker, etc in the kitchen??
I bought the coffee for us to share- you bitch, moan, complain about not having *any* money and how “poor” you are and how “it would be nice to buy ____” all the time, yet you are making your own coffee that is the same damn coffee in the kitchen?? If any of you have any insight as to why Millie is like this, please enlighten me, because at this point, I’m thinking this is beginning to brew something more than coffee between us.
Similarity to any real person other than myself is purelyunfortunate for them coincidental, this is my story so please don’t be an ass and copy/use it as your own.
Similarity to any real person other than myself is purely
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