It has been one of those weeks here in Hell. You know, one of those that just grate on your nerves and make you sick and tired of being sick and tired. How on Earth?? Why don’t you just quitcher (pronounced quit yer) bitchin’?? Anyway… this is how the week has gone since your last installment of Hell- and I'm only sharing *some* of what happened (or this post would be entirely too long) the past few days.
Phil with his infinite wisdom continues with his addiction to soda and fast food- in case you haven’t read what is going on with him, you can read it here or you can get the gist of it by knowing that he had major organ failure about a week ago. He continues to eat like crap and drink crap yet wonder why his health is crap. No wait, he doesn’t wonder- he doesn’t care and I don’t know why I do [care] but he’s Bill’s dad and yeah. No words here, and for me to be at a loss for words is saying something; because normally can articulate how I am feeling quite well. I guess I should say, the words that I can say, I won’t because it would fall on deaf ears anyhow and I'm sure you don't want to read even more of a rant. If licensed medical professionals can’t change his behaviors and actions, what makes me think that he would listen to what I have to say? Frustrating. Wasted time, effort and energy on that lost cause. Moving on now…
The other part of Hell this week happened on Wednesday, someone at Cutie and Junior’s school remarked how their family had just got over the worst virus ever and proceeded to ask me and some of the other parents if any of us had got it yet. I stupidly said, “Nope, not yet, thankfully.” Now, if any of you know Karma please put in a good word for me, because I have somehow pissed him/her off and things just have not been going the best for us here in Hell. The very next day Bill woke up feeling like crap. Great, whenever he gets sick, I’m usually the next one to get sick- and since Junior and Cutie were off of school that day, it was unusually difficult to keep them contained. Not sure if cabin fever hit them after a couple of hours, but we ended up going to do some errands to help keep the house quiet. Bill still didn’t feel too well that night, but he thought he’d be able to kick it the next day. Nope. The next day was even worse than the first. Hello weekend of sickness- at least the kiddos won’t be home sick from school, so maybe Karma was smirking instead of pissing on us.
Then yesterday (Sunday), got off to a wonderful start, because now I’m sick with this wonderful blessing of nastiness and phlegm- when I get sick it is business as usual- no sleeping in, no laundry taking a break, dinner doesn’t cook itself, etc. - if you’re a mom you know what I’m saying. However… yesterday was a bit different. Bill let me sleep in, Cutie and Junior tried to play quietly (but they’re kids, and quiet isn’t always in their vocabulary), and Millie tried to cook dinner using only the microwave. Whatever, at least they tried. Can’t fault them for trying, right? How was your week?
Similarity to any real person other than myself is purely unfortunate for them coincidental, this is my story so please don’t be an ass and copy/use it as your own.
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